Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Spelling Practice

Amazingly, I enjoyed the spelling practice this evening. My daughter has dyslexia and her spelling list is a bit too random to be easy, so we turn it into a wider educational adventure -- discussing the rules involved in the weird words and the strange idioms they sometimes live in. Here are the sentences she came up with (with the spelling word in parentheses) -

Her mom yelled at her. (her)
"After you," I said when I opened the door. (after)
Matt is playing a song about you. (about)
These dogs are barking. (these)
Can I have your phone number? (number)
I sleep on my pallet. (pallet)
Sometimes I'm sad. (sometimes)
The quarters are on the table. (quarters)
Honestly, I was honest to my friend. (honestly)
I was taking care of business. (business)

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