Tuesday, March 4, 2008

March 4

Hah! March forth! Get it? I'm having a hard time today coming up with my favorite part of the day. I'm not sure why. I think it was my phonecall with my friend Mary. I got to be the listener for a while and that felt good. We are all on this journey and more than ever I am feeling like there are all of these paths and we all have messages for each other and we can all help each other and enjoy each other and find the beauty in life. Oh! That reminds me -- there was a really magnificent sunset this evening -- the sky was clear and the air was cold and there were brilliant colors and wisps of clouds and steam and exhaust ... It just was a fabulous skyline with light and color. I could see much further than I've been able to see for a long time. For that I am grateful, and also for taking the moment to see and appreciate this beauty. Wonderful Moments!

March 3rd - Hmmm...lots of exercise with Wii Sports

March 2nd - I forgot to add - my miraculous travel through dense and dangerous mists to pick up a printer which also led me to a new church that was very interesting.

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